Sunday, January 18, 2009

Horizons Planning Meeting Minutes

Horizons Planning Meeting
January 16, 2009
Submitted by: Marcia Buser

Purpose: Determine how to integrate Leadership Plenty and Action Projects from forum and move forward.
Leadership plenty update: Scheduled for every other Saturday starting January 31, then Feb. 14, Feb 28, March 14, March 28. Need minimum of 20 people total to go through training. First module will be “Finding Leaders Within.” Trying to get more youth involved since Austin and Holly work on Saturdays. Have a $1700 total budget for LP, for food, rent, publicity.
Administrative Coordinator: is Lisa Conway – giver her receipts for reimbursement. Drop off at 207 Spokane or see contact info below.
Group leader: Glenda was main point of contact and is stepping aside so need someone to fill in. Julie will be Leadership Plenty point of contact. Leave general leadership issue open for now.
Updates from Linda:
Will be in Olympia later this month so will have new information to share after that.
Met with David Sauter. After LP training, should have a better idea how we can fit it in Horizons projects with the comprehensive plan. Should have some resources available through Horizons to support the community through training.
Community Action Projects: We were only to select 3 items. Most voted items were: 1) Cultural Exchange, 2) Mentoring & 3) Communication (to include comprehensive plan and kiosk)
Discussion on whether we need to limit number actions undertaken. Do need to get people who signed up to take Leadership Plenty so they have skills to move projects forward.
No decision made on what to do with other action items for now except to get people in Leadership Plenty.
Cultural Exchange update: We were contacted by Simon Samson, representative of River Chiefs. Cultural Exchange group met with them Jan 16 – delighted that Lyle wanted to do a Cultural Exchange. They have been asked to plan an event by Columbia Gorge Commission, for a visit by a Chinese delegation, tentatively May 15, to highlight native culture. Chiefs shared what this opportunity means to them and why. Lyle is the historic center of the Klickitat culture. The vision is that this would become an annual event.
Exact site is still open. Potential venues identified: Lyle High School, old school playground, use of Lions Club kitchen. There are cultural issues with Lyle Point, although some areas may be used. Potentially up to 1000 attendees, including governors, legislators, Gorge Commissioners. Native community would bring all the food, prepared in traditional way. Event would include entertainment, colors, drum circles, storytelling.
Identified need for several committees, example: finance, publicity, facilities, security and logistics, first-aid, clean-up and take-down. May need to do a fund raiser. Some money has been pledged.
Group will meet again next Friday at 10:00 AM At United Methodist Church to continue planning. For now, enough people involved in planning, however will need many more involved.
Outreach: send emails and call people on list, for leadership Plenty and Cultural Exchange. Rollean is willing to call and go door to door. Oren has screen printing equipment for high quality posters. Marcia will add to list compiled of all forum attendees, additional people who attended Study Circles and email out flier. Need flier for the Leadership Plenty training. Also need to do phone calls for those not on email, and personal invitations.

Blog update: some had sign-up issues. Send minutes of all meetings to Lori to post on blog.

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