Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Submitted by: Karen Harpole

Finance—Income since last report: $1,250.00, Balance: $2,281.15
Those who have contributed since last report: Columbia River Gorge Commission, Roger and Lorie Hull
There are verbal commitments from: SDS, PacifiCorp, Oren’s contacts.
Media/Invitations---Lorie will create a letterhead for The River Peoples Cultural Exchange that can be used for invitations. Please send Lorie names and addresses of people you think should be invited (she will keep a master list).
Jill Arens has sent out a great invitation to elected representatives of both Oregon and Washington. Senator Honeyford will be at the event from 3:00- 4:00 PM.
Linda Williams will send invitations to WSU dignitaries and to the other Horizon Communities in the area.
KLCK in Goldendale has a call-in on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:40 to 9:00 AM. Linda will see if Barb Sexton will work on a short script with her and do the call-in.
Radio PSA info has been sent out. Waiting to hear final line-up of entertainers for the newspaper feature articles.
Set-Up---School district has donated the use of 80 folding chairs. 8 foot tables can be rented for $11 each. Plastic tablecloths are $3.95. Will check with Bishop’s to see if they have tables and chairs available—this could be added to the Sanitation bill that is being sent to the County for payment. Will also check with Simon to see if tables and chairs can be borrowed from the Casino.
Still need 1 tent for the food service tables.
Pam will pick up the donated sound system from Kevin Gorman and test it. She will also check with the schools, churches and The Pretenders to find a back-up system.
Placement of stage needs to be decided upon. It will also serve as the stand for the MCs.
There will be 7 porta-potties, 1 ADA, and 5 free standing hand washing stations. This bill will be sent to the County for payment.
Filming of interviews will be in the NW corner office of the school. We will limit access to the museum, bathrooms and changing rooms to the east doors of the school.
Food—Karen will meet with Darla at the Lion’s Club on the 30th to sign the contract. There will be a representative of the Lion’s Club in attendance on the day of the event. Food will be served at 5:30 PM.
MC/Introductions/Gift Exchange/Dancers/Storytelling-- We will have introductions of and comments by Senator Honeyford, tribal representatives and any other local representatives at 3:00 PM. The Chinese delegation will arrive at 5:00 PM and we will have those introductions then. The exchange of gifts will happen after the meal is served.
Performances and storytelling will be spread out through the event.
Vendors—Will be positioned on the street between the Elementary School and the old High School lot. Indian Fry Tacos, Water and Soda stand, Klickitat Trail Conservancy trail mix.
Sheriff, Fire, State Patrol, Ambulance—Lorie has spoken with Eric Anderson and he will have 2 sheriffs in attendance for support. The State Patrol will have extra surveillance. The Fire Station and ambulance company have been informed of the date and time of the event.
Permits & Insurance—Only a food permit is needed for the event. Cost of insurance is $357.88 for million dollar coverage. All vendors will need to provide a Certificate of Insurance with the Lyle School District as an additional insured.
Parking Lot—The Swansons’ have agreed to let us use their lot for parking. We will need to provide our Certificate of Insurance to them and parking attendants the day of the event. Roger Hull and Don Starkin have checked the lot and said all it needs is mowing with a rotary cutter and clean up.
Prints/t-shirts—Just waiting for supplies from Chicago. The sale of prints should bring in about $5,000.
Clean up before/after the event—Roger Hull will organize some volunteers to start working on the grounds surrounding the “Welcome to Lyle” sign, the fence line of the school and the west entrance to Lyle.
Sherri Starkin will call people that signed up at the Horizons forum to find volunteers to help before, during and after the event. Lorie will post a flyer for volunteers at the Post Office. Rosemary will again contact AmeriCorp for volunteers.

The School will let us use 2 lines of the Reader Board. If you have any suggestions on what it can say, let Sherri know.
Oren will have a two-sided banner made to hang on the old Paisley Pony post.

The next two meetings will be Thursday, April 23rd at 8:00 AM to get information from Simon and Monday, April 27th at 9:00 AM.

Attendees: Pam Essley, Linda Williams, Portia Masterson, Lorie Hull, Oren Johnson, Jill Arens, Michael Friend, Sherri Starkin, Don Starkin, Roger Hull, Rosemary Hop, Karen Harpole

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