Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The River Peoples’ Cultural Exchange Meeting 3-30-09

Submitted by: Karen Harpole

Simon Sampson , the Committee Chair, called the meeting to order.


Jill Arens sent an email that said Mercy Corps will be sending us a check for the event (it might be up to 30 people including interpreters).

The Forest Service and the Gorge Commission will share the expense of videotaping and editing the event. CDs may be ordered for $5 apiece.

Lyle Community Council has donated.

Friends of the Gorge have pledged.

Oren Johnson has contacted 16 companies and 10 individuals for donations. He will share his list with us so that we don’t duplicate his efforts in approaching the same people. Oren will also email us his donation letter for our use in acquiring donations. He commented that some of the people approached wanted to know what our budget is, who was giving money and how much. Klickitat County wanted to have specific items identified to pay for---we were wondering if they had a cap ??? $500-$1,000.

Oren has volunteered to give a screen print to contributors of $500 or more and a limited edition Vista House print to contributors of $1,000 or more.

Donations should be made out to The River Peoples’ Cultural Exchange and sent to P.O. Box 952 Lyle, WA 98635. The Tax Identification Number is 91-2059676.

Lorie Hull handed out a worksheet to be used by each committee to help determine basic and ideal budget needs. Please fill these out and bring to the next meeting.

A Cultural Exchange booth may be set up to sell prints and T-shirts.


“Cross Currents” is a 6 part video series being taped by Michael Friend, John Hardham, Elaine Thompson and Gretchen Randolph about the spirit of the Gorge… past, present and future. They will be filming at our event and recording short, 10-20 minute interviews with local people about why they are involved with the community and the cultural exchange. Please contact John with any ideas you may have of what you’d like to see on the video.


Simon, Barb and Jill will be MCs for the event. Simon and Laurie will work on the printed program.

The Chinese delegates will not be here before 4:30 PM.

Timing needs to be worked out for the performers. There will be a Grand Entry with Veterans and the V.P. of the Yakama Nation.

Simon informed us that the Warm Springs Tribe is planning an event at Celilo on May 15th and 16th. This may cause some competition for performers.


Wilbur has committed to 30 Salmon, 3 gallons of huckleberries, deer/elk steaks, roots , 2 cases of oranges and firewood.

Cooking of the salmon will start at 10:00 AM on the point. The serving of the meal will start at 5:00PM.

The meal will be free but boxes will be set up for donations.

Karen Harpole will contact Susie Slockish to see what additional food items may be needed.


Toppenish Indian Fry Tacos

Soda and Water by P.E.O. Chapter EB

Full Throttle Espresso

Do we need a dessert booth and/or a hot dog/hamburger booth?


Karen Harpole has submitted the event info to the Hood River News for listing in the “Panorama” which is a special calendar of events happening in the Columbia River Gorge from April through September. Newspaper articles will not appear until a week or two before the event. We will use info about the “Cross Currents” video, Mercy Corps, the Chinese delegation, the Native performers and any VIPs that may attend. We will try to use the pre-release of Oren’s screen print to get early coverage.


Portia Masterson has gotten the following items donated: a Roll-Off ($500 value) which will be placed on the north side of the school, 10 recycle bins and bags from the County, and 8 barrels. She is still researching barrel liners for the trash.


Sherri Starkin reported that we qualify for a one day special event (vendors excluded), million dollar coverage, for $383. This must be paid 15 days in advance. Mindy Robinson will review this as she is also a licensed insurance agent and may possibly avoid any exclusions.


Pam Essley reported that the Porta Pottie rates are as follows: $65/ unit $85/ADA. First two units will be delivered free with a $10/unit delivery fee thereafter. She proposed a $500 budget for Porta Potties. Half of the cost would need to be paid upon delivery. The question was raised regarding a free standing hand wash unit.

The Pretenders have staging that we may rent. The cost is $35 for each 8 x 16 section. She will check with Chief Wilbur to see if 2 sections will be adequate for the entertainers.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 14th at 10:00AM at the Lyle Methodist Church.


Simon Sampson, Barb Sexton, Oren Johnson, Lorie Hull, Linda Williams, Karen Harpole, Pam Essley, Portia Masterson, Roger Hull, Ray Colfax, Wilbur Slockish, Johnny Jackson, Dave Berger, Julie Larson, Sherri Starkin, Don Starkin, Elaine Thompson, John Hardham, Michael Friend, Gretchen Randolph

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