Submitted by: Karen Harpole
Finance—Income since last report: $1,250.00, Balance: $2,281.15
Those who have contributed since last report: Columbia River Gorge Commission, Roger and Lorie Hull
There are verbal commitments from: SDS, PacifiCorp, Oren’s contacts.
Media/Invitations---Lorie will create a letterhead for The River Peoples Cultural Exchange that can be used for invitations. Please send Lorie names and addresses of people you think should be invited (she will keep a master list).
Jill Arens has sent out a great invitation to elected representatives of both Oregon and Washington. Senator Honeyford will be at the event from 3:00- 4:00 PM.
Linda Williams will send invitations to WSU dignitaries and to the other Horizon Communities in the area.
KLCK in Goldendale has a call-in on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:40 to 9:00 AM. Linda will see if Barb Sexton will work on a short script with her and do the call-in.
Radio PSA info has been sent out. Waiting to hear final line-up of entertainers for the newspaper feature articles.
Set-Up---School district has donated the use of 80 folding chairs. 8 foot tables can be rented for $11 each. Plastic tablecloths are $3.95. Will check with Bishop’s to see if they have tables and chairs available—this could be added to the Sanitation bill that is being sent to the County for payment. Will also check with Simon to see if tables and chairs can be borrowed from the Casino.
Still need 1 tent for the food service tables.
Pam will pick up the donated sound system from Kevin Gorman and test it. She will also check with the schools, churches and The Pretenders to find a back-up system.
Placement of stage needs to be decided upon. It will also serve as the stand for the MCs.
There will be 7 porta-potties, 1 ADA, and 5 free standing hand washing stations. This bill will be sent to the County for payment.
Filming of interviews will be in the NW corner office of the school. We will limit access to the museum, bathrooms and changing rooms to the east doors of the school.
Food—Karen will meet with Darla at the Lion’s Club on the 30th to sign the contract. There will be a representative of the Lion’s Club in attendance on the day of the event. Food will be served at 5:30 PM.
MC/Introductions/Gift Exchange/Dancers/Storytelling-- We will have introductions of and comments by Senator Honeyford, tribal representatives and any other local representatives at 3:00 PM. The Chinese delegation will arrive at 5:00 PM and we will have those introductions then. The exchange of gifts will happen after the meal is served.
Performances and storytelling will be spread out through the event.
Vendors—Will be positioned on the street between the Elementary School and the old High School lot. Indian Fry Tacos, Water and Soda stand, Klickitat Trail Conservancy trail mix.
Sheriff, Fire, State Patrol, Ambulance—Lorie has spoken with Eric Anderson and he will have 2 sheriffs in attendance for support. The State Patrol will have extra surveillance. The Fire Station and ambulance company have been informed of the date and time of the event.
Permits & Insurance—Only a food permit is needed for the event. Cost of insurance is $357.88 for million dollar coverage. All vendors will need to provide a Certificate of Insurance with the Lyle School District as an additional insured.
Parking Lot—The Swansons’ have agreed to let us use their lot for parking. We will need to provide our Certificate of Insurance to them and parking attendants the day of the event. Roger Hull and Don Starkin have checked the lot and said all it needs is mowing with a rotary cutter and clean up.
Prints/t-shirts—Just waiting for supplies from Chicago. The sale of prints should bring in about $5,000.
Clean up before/after the event—Roger Hull will organize some volunteers to start working on the grounds surrounding the “Welcome to Lyle” sign, the fence line of the school and the west entrance to Lyle.
Sherri Starkin will call people that signed up at the Horizons forum to find volunteers to help before, during and after the event. Lorie will post a flyer for volunteers at the Post Office. Rosemary will again contact AmeriCorp for volunteers.
The School will let us use 2 lines of the Reader Board. If you have any suggestions on what it can say, let Sherri know.
Oren will have a two-sided banner made to hang on the old Paisley Pony post.
The next two meetings will be Thursday, April 23rd at 8:00 AM to get information from Simon and Monday, April 27th at 9:00 AM.
Attendees: Pam Essley, Linda Williams, Portia Masterson, Lorie Hull, Oren Johnson, Jill Arens, Michael Friend, Sherri Starkin, Don Starkin, Roger Hull, Rosemary Hop, Karen Harpole
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The River Peoples’ Cultural Exchange Meeting 3-30-09
Submitted by: Karen Harpole
Simon Sampson , the Committee Chair, called the meeting to order.
Jill Arens sent an email that said Mercy Corps will be sending us a check for the event (it might be up to 30 people including interpreters).
The Forest Service and the Gorge Commission will share the expense of videotaping and editing the event. CDs may be ordered for $5 apiece.
Lyle Community Council has donated.
Friends of the Gorge have pledged.
Oren Johnson has contacted 16 companies and 10 individuals for donations. He will share his list with us so that we don’t duplicate his efforts in approaching the same people. Oren will also email us his donation letter for our use in acquiring donations. He commented that some of the people approached wanted to know what our budget is, who was giving money and how much. Klickitat County wanted to have specific items identified to pay for---we were wondering if they had a cap ??? $500-$1,000.
Oren has volunteered to give a screen print to contributors of $500 or more and a limited edition Vista House print to contributors of $1,000 or more.
Donations should be made out to The River Peoples’ Cultural Exchange and sent to P.O. Box 952 Lyle, WA 98635. The Tax Identification Number is 91-2059676.
Lorie Hull handed out a worksheet to be used by each committee to help determine basic and ideal budget needs. Please fill these out and bring to the next meeting.
A Cultural Exchange booth may be set up to sell prints and T-shirts.
“Cross Currents” is a 6 part video series being taped by Michael Friend, John Hardham, Elaine Thompson and Gretchen Randolph about the spirit of the Gorge… past, present and future. They will be filming at our event and recording short, 10-20 minute interviews with local people about why they are involved with the community and the cultural exchange. Please contact John with any ideas you may have of what you’d like to see on the video.
Simon, Barb and Jill will be MCs for the event. Simon and Laurie will work on the printed program.
The Chinese delegates will not be here before 4:30 PM.
Timing needs to be worked out for the performers. There will be a Grand Entry with Veterans and the V.P. of the Yakama Nation.
Simon informed us that the Warm Springs Tribe is planning an event at Celilo on May 15th and 16th. This may cause some competition for performers.
Wilbur has committed to 30 Salmon, 3 gallons of huckleberries, deer/elk steaks, roots , 2 cases of oranges and firewood.
Cooking of the salmon will start at 10:00 AM on the point. The serving of the meal will start at 5:00PM.
The meal will be free but boxes will be set up for donations.
Karen Harpole will contact Susie Slockish to see what additional food items may be needed.
Toppenish Indian Fry Tacos
Soda and Water by P.E.O. Chapter EB
Full Throttle Espresso
Do we need a dessert booth and/or a hot dog/hamburger booth?
Karen Harpole has submitted the event info to the Hood River News for listing in the “Panorama” which is a special calendar of events happening in the Columbia River Gorge from April through September. Newspaper articles will not appear until a week or two before the event. We will use info about the “Cross Currents” video, Mercy Corps, the Chinese delegation, the Native performers and any VIPs that may attend. We will try to use the pre-release of Oren’s screen print to get early coverage.
Portia Masterson has gotten the following items donated: a Roll-Off ($500 value) which will be placed on the north side of the school, 10 recycle bins and bags from the County, and 8 barrels. She is still researching barrel liners for the trash.
Sherri Starkin reported that we qualify for a one day special event (vendors excluded), million dollar coverage, for $383. This must be paid 15 days in advance. Mindy Robinson will review this as she is also a licensed insurance agent and may possibly avoid any exclusions.
Pam Essley reported that the Porta Pottie rates are as follows: $65/ unit $85/ADA. First two units will be delivered free with a $10/unit delivery fee thereafter. She proposed a $500 budget for Porta Potties. Half of the cost would need to be paid upon delivery. The question was raised regarding a free standing hand wash unit.
The Pretenders have staging that we may rent. The cost is $35 for each 8 x 16 section. She will check with Chief Wilbur to see if 2 sections will be adequate for the entertainers.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 14th at 10:00AM at the Lyle Methodist Church.
Simon Sampson, Barb Sexton, Oren Johnson, Lorie Hull, Linda Williams, Karen Harpole, Pam Essley, Portia Masterson, Roger Hull, Ray Colfax, Wilbur Slockish, Johnny Jackson, Dave Berger, Julie Larson, Sherri Starkin, Don Starkin, Elaine Thompson, John Hardham, Michael Friend, Gretchen Randolph
Simon Sampson , the Committee Chair, called the meeting to order.
Jill Arens sent an email that said Mercy Corps will be sending us a check for the event (it might be up to 30 people including interpreters).
The Forest Service and the Gorge Commission will share the expense of videotaping and editing the event. CDs may be ordered for $5 apiece.
Lyle Community Council has donated.
Friends of the Gorge have pledged.
Oren Johnson has contacted 16 companies and 10 individuals for donations. He will share his list with us so that we don’t duplicate his efforts in approaching the same people. Oren will also email us his donation letter for our use in acquiring donations. He commented that some of the people approached wanted to know what our budget is, who was giving money and how much. Klickitat County wanted to have specific items identified to pay for---we were wondering if they had a cap ??? $500-$1,000.
Oren has volunteered to give a screen print to contributors of $500 or more and a limited edition Vista House print to contributors of $1,000 or more.
Donations should be made out to The River Peoples’ Cultural Exchange and sent to P.O. Box 952 Lyle, WA 98635. The Tax Identification Number is 91-2059676.
Lorie Hull handed out a worksheet to be used by each committee to help determine basic and ideal budget needs. Please fill these out and bring to the next meeting.
A Cultural Exchange booth may be set up to sell prints and T-shirts.
“Cross Currents” is a 6 part video series being taped by Michael Friend, John Hardham, Elaine Thompson and Gretchen Randolph about the spirit of the Gorge… past, present and future. They will be filming at our event and recording short, 10-20 minute interviews with local people about why they are involved with the community and the cultural exchange. Please contact John with any ideas you may have of what you’d like to see on the video.
Simon, Barb and Jill will be MCs for the event. Simon and Laurie will work on the printed program.
The Chinese delegates will not be here before 4:30 PM.
Timing needs to be worked out for the performers. There will be a Grand Entry with Veterans and the V.P. of the Yakama Nation.
Simon informed us that the Warm Springs Tribe is planning an event at Celilo on May 15th and 16th. This may cause some competition for performers.
Wilbur has committed to 30 Salmon, 3 gallons of huckleberries, deer/elk steaks, roots , 2 cases of oranges and firewood.
Cooking of the salmon will start at 10:00 AM on the point. The serving of the meal will start at 5:00PM.
The meal will be free but boxes will be set up for donations.
Karen Harpole will contact Susie Slockish to see what additional food items may be needed.
Toppenish Indian Fry Tacos
Soda and Water by P.E.O. Chapter EB
Full Throttle Espresso
Do we need a dessert booth and/or a hot dog/hamburger booth?
Karen Harpole has submitted the event info to the Hood River News for listing in the “Panorama” which is a special calendar of events happening in the Columbia River Gorge from April through September. Newspaper articles will not appear until a week or two before the event. We will use info about the “Cross Currents” video, Mercy Corps, the Chinese delegation, the Native performers and any VIPs that may attend. We will try to use the pre-release of Oren’s screen print to get early coverage.
Portia Masterson has gotten the following items donated: a Roll-Off ($500 value) which will be placed on the north side of the school, 10 recycle bins and bags from the County, and 8 barrels. She is still researching barrel liners for the trash.
Sherri Starkin reported that we qualify for a one day special event (vendors excluded), million dollar coverage, for $383. This must be paid 15 days in advance. Mindy Robinson will review this as she is also a licensed insurance agent and may possibly avoid any exclusions.
Pam Essley reported that the Porta Pottie rates are as follows: $65/ unit $85/ADA. First two units will be delivered free with a $10/unit delivery fee thereafter. She proposed a $500 budget for Porta Potties. Half of the cost would need to be paid upon delivery. The question was raised regarding a free standing hand wash unit.
The Pretenders have staging that we may rent. The cost is $35 for each 8 x 16 section. She will check with Chief Wilbur to see if 2 sections will be adequate for the entertainers.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 14th at 10:00AM at the Lyle Methodist Church.
Simon Sampson, Barb Sexton, Oren Johnson, Lorie Hull, Linda Williams, Karen Harpole, Pam Essley, Portia Masterson, Roger Hull, Ray Colfax, Wilbur Slockish, Johnny Jackson, Dave Berger, Julie Larson, Sherri Starkin, Don Starkin, Elaine Thompson, John Hardham, Michael Friend, Gretchen Randolph
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Cultural Exchange Meeting 03-09-09
Cultural Exchange Meeting
March 9, 2009
Minutes prepared by Don & Sherri Starkin
Present: Pam Essley, Oren Johnson, Sondra Clark, Michael Friend, Jill Arens, Lori Hull, Don & Sherri Starkin, Portia Masterson, Roger Hull, Simon Sampson, Chief Wilbur Slockish Jr., Julie Larson, Barbara Sexton, Rosemarie Hop, Chief Ray Colfax
Meeting called to order 10:00 AM
Simon called for introductions from those present.
Oren presented a drafted flyer for soliciting donations/contributions. P.O. Box corrected to 952. Barbara made motion to approve donation flyer, Pam seconded it. Motion passed.
Barbara Sexton opened Cultural Exchange bank account with a donation from Lyle City Council.
Record of donors will be kept in the meeting minutes, amounts donated will not be shown in minutes. Lori Hull/Barbara Sexton will act as treasurers.
Jill Arens mentioned that US Forest Service and Columbia River Gorge Commission will make donations.
Oren stated that he will do thank you letter for donations.
Oren presented examples for the screen print poster that he will have ready 4/1/09. 150 in total will be produced. 30 will be given to the Chinese delegation and translators. Remaining posters will be offered for sale. T-shirts with screen print image will also be for sale. Jill suggested poster’s be given to large donors.
Simon asked status of event flyer as groups are asking for it and this will help us verify attendance #’s. Lorie Hull presented in draft form. Several suggestions were made and Lorie will come back to next meeting with a revamped flyer. Simon and Barbara volunteered to be contact people on event flyer.
Chief Wilbur expressed concern for any photos that could be used for commercial purposes.
Jill will invite federal, state and county officials to the event. She will also do press releases.
Pam contacted N.W. Chinese organizations trying to notify local Chinese group’s of the event.
Barbara to inform local business’s of the event.
Pam & Harry Moss met and have made a lot of progress in the site preparations. Pam had several questions for the group. Group decided no tent. Other items discussed included stage, bleachers, porta potties, seating arrangements, parking, shuttle bus, power for a vendor, vendor booth’s & use of school building for dancers.
Portia asked for information on how to manage trash collection and recycling. She asked about size of garbage container.
Julie asked if we had plans for hand washing station. Yes we will have this.
Michael Friend introduced himself. He is working on a local Gorge project and offered to video event. That part would be free but if we wanted DVD of event that would have a probable price tag as an editor would be advisable. The group would really like the DVD to preserve history. Rosemary made a suggestion how to possibly get a grant. Pam will follow up on grant. Michael also advised he would like to do live interviews at event. Group is receptive to this. Signature releases need to be signed before interview done.
Sherri advised she would check price of insurance again for the event. A question was also asked about permit for event. Barbara will follow up with David Sauter.
Next meeting will be held March 30, 2009, 10:00 AM at United Methodist Church.
Meeting adjourned 11:40am.
March 9, 2009
Minutes prepared by Don & Sherri Starkin
Present: Pam Essley, Oren Johnson, Sondra Clark, Michael Friend, Jill Arens, Lori Hull, Don & Sherri Starkin, Portia Masterson, Roger Hull, Simon Sampson, Chief Wilbur Slockish Jr., Julie Larson, Barbara Sexton, Rosemarie Hop, Chief Ray Colfax
Meeting called to order 10:00 AM
Simon called for introductions from those present.
Oren presented a drafted flyer for soliciting donations/contributions. P.O. Box corrected to 952. Barbara made motion to approve donation flyer, Pam seconded it. Motion passed.
Barbara Sexton opened Cultural Exchange bank account with a donation from Lyle City Council.
Record of donors will be kept in the meeting minutes, amounts donated will not be shown in minutes. Lori Hull/Barbara Sexton will act as treasurers.
Jill Arens mentioned that US Forest Service and Columbia River Gorge Commission will make donations.
Oren stated that he will do thank you letter for donations.
Oren presented examples for the screen print poster that he will have ready 4/1/09. 150 in total will be produced. 30 will be given to the Chinese delegation and translators. Remaining posters will be offered for sale. T-shirts with screen print image will also be for sale. Jill suggested poster’s be given to large donors.
Simon asked status of event flyer as groups are asking for it and this will help us verify attendance #’s. Lorie Hull presented in draft form. Several suggestions were made and Lorie will come back to next meeting with a revamped flyer. Simon and Barbara volunteered to be contact people on event flyer.
Chief Wilbur expressed concern for any photos that could be used for commercial purposes.
Jill will invite federal, state and county officials to the event. She will also do press releases.
Pam contacted N.W. Chinese organizations trying to notify local Chinese group’s of the event.
Barbara to inform local business’s of the event.
Pam & Harry Moss met and have made a lot of progress in the site preparations. Pam had several questions for the group. Group decided no tent. Other items discussed included stage, bleachers, porta potties, seating arrangements, parking, shuttle bus, power for a vendor, vendor booth’s & use of school building for dancers.
Portia asked for information on how to manage trash collection and recycling. She asked about size of garbage container.
Julie asked if we had plans for hand washing station. Yes we will have this.
Michael Friend introduced himself. He is working on a local Gorge project and offered to video event. That part would be free but if we wanted DVD of event that would have a probable price tag as an editor would be advisable. The group would really like the DVD to preserve history. Rosemary made a suggestion how to possibly get a grant. Pam will follow up on grant. Michael also advised he would like to do live interviews at event. Group is receptive to this. Signature releases need to be signed before interview done.
Sherri advised she would check price of insurance again for the event. A question was also asked about permit for event. Barbara will follow up with David Sauter.
Next meeting will be held March 30, 2009, 10:00 AM at United Methodist Church.
Meeting adjourned 11:40am.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The River Peoples’ Cultural Exchange Meeting 2-6-09
Submitted by Karen Harpole
The River Peoples’ Cultural Exchange will be held May 15, 2009 from 3 PM to 8 PM at Lyle Park Place.
Jill Arens from the Columbia River Gorge Commission was on hand to give us more information on the Chinese delegation that will be attending the event. Mercy Corp. is an International Assistance organization based in Portland. The delegation from China is a group of up and coming leaders, under 40 years of age and from small cities (under 5 million). They are here to study resource protection vs. economic development, environment vs. industrialization. There will be 20 delegates with 5 interpretors.
We discussed putting together gift packages with local items such as posters of the event and Twin Bridges magnets. Videographer Michael Friend will be on hand to record the event.
Bank Account--The Lyle Community Council has agreed to let us piggy-back (for one year) onto their non-profit bank account for this event. Barb Sexton and Lorie Hull will be responsible for this event account.
Donations--$500-Chief Wilbur
$500-Mercy Corp.
$100-Lyle Community Council
How will we acknowledge donations?
Chief Wilbur and Chief Johnny expressed their concern that the food be shared with the people as dictated by their traditions and not charged for. We agreed that we may prepare enough for 800-1,000 people. We will enlist the help of vendors to provide drinks and additional foods.
FOOD--includes food permits and food handlers’ certificates--Simon, Wilbur, Sherri, Karen
VENDORS--Simon, Karen
FINANCE--budget, insurance, donations, and sponsorships--Simon, Oren, Barb, Lorie
PROGRAM--Invocation, ColorGuard, and M.C.--Chiefs, Lorie, Jill
VIDEO--Jill, Lorie
CLEAN-UP--before and after the event--Portia
****ADVERTISEMENT--t-shirts/posters, PSAs, newspapers
****SITE/SAFETY--parking, traffic control, porta-potties, PA system, dance floor, tent
We will need a map of the site.
Attendees: Karen Harpole, Don Starkin, Barbara Sexton, Oren Johnson, Linda Williams, Johnny Jackson, Jill Arens, Lorie Hull, Rollean, Portia Masterson, Wilbur Slockish Jr, Simon Sampson, Ray Colfax
The River Peoples’ Cultural Exchange will be held May 15, 2009 from 3 PM to 8 PM at Lyle Park Place.
Jill Arens from the Columbia River Gorge Commission was on hand to give us more information on the Chinese delegation that will be attending the event. Mercy Corp. is an International Assistance organization based in Portland. The delegation from China is a group of up and coming leaders, under 40 years of age and from small cities (under 5 million). They are here to study resource protection vs. economic development, environment vs. industrialization. There will be 20 delegates with 5 interpretors.
We discussed putting together gift packages with local items such as posters of the event and Twin Bridges magnets. Videographer Michael Friend will be on hand to record the event.
Bank Account--The Lyle Community Council has agreed to let us piggy-back (for one year) onto their non-profit bank account for this event. Barb Sexton and Lorie Hull will be responsible for this event account.
Donations--$500-Chief Wilbur
$500-Mercy Corp.
$100-Lyle Community Council
How will we acknowledge donations?
Chief Wilbur and Chief Johnny expressed their concern that the food be shared with the people as dictated by their traditions and not charged for. We agreed that we may prepare enough for 800-1,000 people. We will enlist the help of vendors to provide drinks and additional foods.
FOOD--includes food permits and food handlers’ certificates--Simon, Wilbur, Sherri, Karen
VENDORS--Simon, Karen
FINANCE--budget, insurance, donations, and sponsorships--Simon, Oren, Barb, Lorie
PROGRAM--Invocation, ColorGuard, and M.C.--Chiefs, Lorie, Jill
VIDEO--Jill, Lorie
CLEAN-UP--before and after the event--Portia
****ADVERTISEMENT--t-shirts/posters, PSAs, newspapers
****SITE/SAFETY--parking, traffic control, porta-potties, PA system, dance floor, tent
We will need a map of the site.
Attendees: Karen Harpole, Don Starkin, Barbara Sexton, Oren Johnson, Linda Williams, Johnny Jackson, Jill Arens, Lorie Hull, Rollean, Portia Masterson, Wilbur Slockish Jr, Simon Sampson, Ray Colfax
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Cultural Exchange Meeting 1-26-09
Cultural Exchange Meeting
Meeting Minutes 1-26-09
Submitted by: Karen Harpole
WHAT--The name of the event will be The River Peoples Cultural Exchange.
WHEN-- It will be held on Friday, May 15, 2009—exact hours to be determined, the Chinese delegation will arrive about 4:30 PM and stay for 2 – 3 hours.
WHERE—Lyle Park Place This location provides rooms for the entertainers to change clothing, bathrooms, an open park for entertainment and info booths, proximity to the museum and Lions’ club for food prep. Pam Essley will make contact with Eric Swanson regarding use of his property for event parking.
Budget—A beginning budget of $8,000 was suggested.
Entertainment—There are 3-5 Tribal Groups willing to come and entertain with various dances, drumming and legends. The cost for travel and performances is $6,000.
Insurance—Sherri Starkin has checked on the cost for a one day event for 1,500 people—approximately $383.
Food Permit--$30.
Advertisement, PA System, Program Printing, Tent for Dancers, Parking Personnel—Estimated at $1,500.
Bank Account—Barbara Sexton will approach the Lyle Community Council about piggy-backing onto their non-profit account for this event.
Fund Raising—Discussed the possible need for a Sponsorship letter. Sources for fund raising were explored.
T-shirts/Posters--$2,500 Oren Johnson has offered a silk screen to be used for posters, advertisements and T-shirts.
Donations—Chief Wilbur has volunteered $500 to start us off. We will make appeals to the Lyle community and surrounding area for more individual donations. We will also approach the Lyle Community Council (Barbara Sexton), the Columbia River Gorge Commission and Mercy Corps (Simon Sampson), and Klickitat Economic Development (Dave Sauter) for donations.
Sponsors—Oren Johnson will approach GOGGLE, INSITSU, and SDS for corporate sponsorships.
Plate Dinner—A suggestion of $15.00 per person
The Lyle Lions’ Club has been reserved for May 15th. Food to be donated by the tribe. Committee will need to provide drinks, ice, paper goods, coolers, tables.
Invocation and Color Guard—Klickitat Cascade People and Earl D. Lane, Lyle Methodist minister
M.C.—one from Columbia River Chiefs and Lyle Cultural Exchange committee
3 – 5 Tribal Groups to provide dances, drumming and legends
2 Teepees—Chief Wilbur
Mary Schlick from Maryhill Musuem will donate Native American baskets to the Lyle Museum for viewing
Will explore the possibility of having Michael Friend and Lorie Hull making a video of the event.
Do we need to research Chinese customs? Harry Moss has a nephew in Portland who could help us with interpreting.
We need to contact Law Enforcement regarding needs for traffic control and security.
Attendees: Karen Harpole, Simon Sampson, Oren Johnson, Pam Essley, Dave Sauter, Barbara Sexton, Rollean, Sherri and Don Starkin, Harry Moss, Wilbur Slockish Jr., Ray Colfax, Johnny Jackson
Meeting Minutes 1-26-09
Submitted by: Karen Harpole
WHAT--The name of the event will be The River Peoples Cultural Exchange.
WHEN-- It will be held on Friday, May 15, 2009—exact hours to be determined, the Chinese delegation will arrive about 4:30 PM and stay for 2 – 3 hours.
WHERE—Lyle Park Place This location provides rooms for the entertainers to change clothing, bathrooms, an open park for entertainment and info booths, proximity to the museum and Lions’ club for food prep. Pam Essley will make contact with Eric Swanson regarding use of his property for event parking.
Budget—A beginning budget of $8,000 was suggested.
Entertainment—There are 3-5 Tribal Groups willing to come and entertain with various dances, drumming and legends. The cost for travel and performances is $6,000.
Insurance—Sherri Starkin has checked on the cost for a one day event for 1,500 people—approximately $383.
Food Permit--$30.
Advertisement, PA System, Program Printing, Tent for Dancers, Parking Personnel—Estimated at $1,500.
Bank Account—Barbara Sexton will approach the Lyle Community Council about piggy-backing onto their non-profit account for this event.
Fund Raising—Discussed the possible need for a Sponsorship letter. Sources for fund raising were explored.
T-shirts/Posters--$2,500 Oren Johnson has offered a silk screen to be used for posters, advertisements and T-shirts.
Donations—Chief Wilbur has volunteered $500 to start us off. We will make appeals to the Lyle community and surrounding area for more individual donations. We will also approach the Lyle Community Council (Barbara Sexton), the Columbia River Gorge Commission and Mercy Corps (Simon Sampson), and Klickitat Economic Development (Dave Sauter) for donations.
Sponsors—Oren Johnson will approach GOGGLE, INSITSU, and SDS for corporate sponsorships.
Plate Dinner—A suggestion of $15.00 per person
The Lyle Lions’ Club has been reserved for May 15th. Food to be donated by the tribe. Committee will need to provide drinks, ice, paper goods, coolers, tables.
Invocation and Color Guard—Klickitat Cascade People and Earl D. Lane, Lyle Methodist minister
M.C.—one from Columbia River Chiefs and Lyle Cultural Exchange committee
3 – 5 Tribal Groups to provide dances, drumming and legends
2 Teepees—Chief Wilbur
Mary Schlick from Maryhill Musuem will donate Native American baskets to the Lyle Museum for viewing
Will explore the possibility of having Michael Friend and Lorie Hull making a video of the event.
Do we need to research Chinese customs? Harry Moss has a nephew in Portland who could help us with interpreting.
We need to contact Law Enforcement regarding needs for traffic control and security.
Attendees: Karen Harpole, Simon Sampson, Oren Johnson, Pam Essley, Dave Sauter, Barbara Sexton, Rollean, Sherri and Don Starkin, Harry Moss, Wilbur Slockish Jr., Ray Colfax, Johnny Jackson
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Horizons Planning Meeting Minutes
Horizons Planning Meeting
January 16, 2009
Submitted by: Marcia Buser
Purpose: Determine how to integrate Leadership Plenty and Action Projects from forum and move forward.
Leadership plenty update: Scheduled for every other Saturday starting January 31, then Feb. 14, Feb 28, March 14, March 28. Need minimum of 20 people total to go through training. First module will be “Finding Leaders Within.” Trying to get more youth involved since Austin and Holly work on Saturdays. Have a $1700 total budget for LP, for food, rent, publicity.
Administrative Coordinator: is Lisa Conway – giver her receipts for reimbursement. Drop off at 207 Spokane or see contact info below.
Group leader: Glenda was main point of contact and is stepping aside so need someone to fill in. Julie will be Leadership Plenty point of contact. Leave general leadership issue open for now.
Updates from Linda:
Will be in Olympia later this month so will have new information to share after that.
Met with David Sauter. After LP training, should have a better idea how we can fit it in Horizons projects with the comprehensive plan. Should have some resources available through Horizons to support the community through training.
Community Action Projects: We were only to select 3 items. Most voted items were: 1) Cultural Exchange, 2) Mentoring & 3) Communication (to include comprehensive plan and kiosk)
Discussion on whether we need to limit number actions undertaken. Do need to get people who signed up to take Leadership Plenty so they have skills to move projects forward.
No decision made on what to do with other action items for now except to get people in Leadership Plenty.
Cultural Exchange update: We were contacted by Simon Samson, representative of River Chiefs. Cultural Exchange group met with them Jan 16 – delighted that Lyle wanted to do a Cultural Exchange. They have been asked to plan an event by Columbia Gorge Commission, for a visit by a Chinese delegation, tentatively May 15, to highlight native culture. Chiefs shared what this opportunity means to them and why. Lyle is the historic center of the Klickitat culture. The vision is that this would become an annual event.
Exact site is still open. Potential venues identified: Lyle High School, old school playground, use of Lions Club kitchen. There are cultural issues with Lyle Point, although some areas may be used. Potentially up to 1000 attendees, including governors, legislators, Gorge Commissioners. Native community would bring all the food, prepared in traditional way. Event would include entertainment, colors, drum circles, storytelling.
Identified need for several committees, example: finance, publicity, facilities, security and logistics, first-aid, clean-up and take-down. May need to do a fund raiser. Some money has been pledged.
Group will meet again next Friday at 10:00 AM At United Methodist Church to continue planning. For now, enough people involved in planning, however will need many more involved.
Outreach: send emails and call people on list, for leadership Plenty and Cultural Exchange. Rollean is willing to call and go door to door. Oren has screen printing equipment for high quality posters. Marcia will add to list compiled of all forum attendees, additional people who attended Study Circles and email out flier. Need flier for the Leadership Plenty training. Also need to do phone calls for those not on email, and personal invitations.
Blog update: some had sign-up issues. Send minutes of all meetings to Lori to post on blog.
January 16, 2009
Submitted by: Marcia Buser
Purpose: Determine how to integrate Leadership Plenty and Action Projects from forum and move forward.
Leadership plenty update: Scheduled for every other Saturday starting January 31, then Feb. 14, Feb 28, March 14, March 28. Need minimum of 20 people total to go through training. First module will be “Finding Leaders Within.” Trying to get more youth involved since Austin and Holly work on Saturdays. Have a $1700 total budget for LP, for food, rent, publicity.
Administrative Coordinator: is Lisa Conway – giver her receipts for reimbursement. Drop off at 207 Spokane or see contact info below.
Group leader: Glenda was main point of contact and is stepping aside so need someone to fill in. Julie will be Leadership Plenty point of contact. Leave general leadership issue open for now.
Updates from Linda:
Will be in Olympia later this month so will have new information to share after that.
Met with David Sauter. After LP training, should have a better idea how we can fit it in Horizons projects with the comprehensive plan. Should have some resources available through Horizons to support the community through training.
Community Action Projects: We were only to select 3 items. Most voted items were: 1) Cultural Exchange, 2) Mentoring & 3) Communication (to include comprehensive plan and kiosk)
Discussion on whether we need to limit number actions undertaken. Do need to get people who signed up to take Leadership Plenty so they have skills to move projects forward.
No decision made on what to do with other action items for now except to get people in Leadership Plenty.
Cultural Exchange update: We were contacted by Simon Samson, representative of River Chiefs. Cultural Exchange group met with them Jan 16 – delighted that Lyle wanted to do a Cultural Exchange. They have been asked to plan an event by Columbia Gorge Commission, for a visit by a Chinese delegation, tentatively May 15, to highlight native culture. Chiefs shared what this opportunity means to them and why. Lyle is the historic center of the Klickitat culture. The vision is that this would become an annual event.
Exact site is still open. Potential venues identified: Lyle High School, old school playground, use of Lions Club kitchen. There are cultural issues with Lyle Point, although some areas may be used. Potentially up to 1000 attendees, including governors, legislators, Gorge Commissioners. Native community would bring all the food, prepared in traditional way. Event would include entertainment, colors, drum circles, storytelling.
Identified need for several committees, example: finance, publicity, facilities, security and logistics, first-aid, clean-up and take-down. May need to do a fund raiser. Some money has been pledged.
Group will meet again next Friday at 10:00 AM At United Methodist Church to continue planning. For now, enough people involved in planning, however will need many more involved.
Outreach: send emails and call people on list, for leadership Plenty and Cultural Exchange. Rollean is willing to call and go door to door. Oren has screen printing equipment for high quality posters. Marcia will add to list compiled of all forum attendees, additional people who attended Study Circles and email out flier. Need flier for the Leadership Plenty training. Also need to do phone calls for those not on email, and personal invitations.
Blog update: some had sign-up issues. Send minutes of all meetings to Lori to post on blog.
Submitted by: Vern Harpole
Jill Ahrens from the Columbia River Gorge Commission contacted the Columbia River Chiefs about doing an event on Friday, May 15, 2009, for a Chinese delegation (25 plus 5 interpreters) hosted by a group from Portland. The Columbia River Chiefs then approached the newly formed ‘Lyle Cultural Exchange Committee” to see if we were interested in co-sponsoring this event.
WHAT—Name of the event to be decided—should reflect on the education by the Native People of Lyle’s rich and diversified history. A salmon feast with deer, roots and berries provide by the Columbia River Chiefs.
WHEN—Friday, May 15, 2009 3PM to 6 or 8 PM
WHERE—Site to be decide upon—suggestions are the High School and the playground next to the old school on Hwy 14
Factors to consider in choosing a location are: room for 1,000 people, kitchen facilities, bathrooms, parking, room for entertainment and info booths, flexibility for inclement weather.
Committees that will be needed:
FINANCE—Event Budget
Bank Account
Fund Raising
Chief Wilbur Slockish has said he would donate $500 to the event. How do we get other donations? Oren Johnson has volunteered to do a silk screen to be used for posters, advertisements, t-shirts. The Columbia River Chiefs could autograph a t-shirt and it could be raffled at the event.
FOOD—to be donated by the tribe Will need temporary food permit ($30) and someone with a food handlers license on site all day.
Drinks, ice, paper goods, coolers, tables
ENTERTAINMENT-- Invocation and Color Guard—Klickitat Cascade People
Prayer by local church
Black Lodge Drummers
Middle School Indian Club
Native Dancers--$1,500-2,000
Oral History—Story Telling
Info Booths—Native History—Lyle Musuem
ADVERTISEMENT—Banner on Hwy 14-- possibly contact Klickitat Co. Economic Development committee and PUD for assistance.
PSA on Hood River and The Dalles radio stations
Community and school newsletters
Special Invitations
FACILITIES—Need room for 1,000 people (High School gym holds about 500)
Kitchen Facilities
Bathrooms, Ports-Potties, Hand washing Station
Info Booths
Traffic contol/Security
Permits/ Insurance
A Lyle Community Clean-Up should be scheduled prior to the event.
Can the old school be painted? Murals??
Next Meeting: Friday, Jan.23, 2009 at 10AM in basement of Methodist Church in Lyle (4th and Klickitat)
Submitted by: Vern Harpole
Jill Ahrens from the Columbia River Gorge Commission contacted the Columbia River Chiefs about doing an event on Friday, May 15, 2009, for a Chinese delegation (25 plus 5 interpreters) hosted by a group from Portland. The Columbia River Chiefs then approached the newly formed ‘Lyle Cultural Exchange Committee” to see if we were interested in co-sponsoring this event.
WHAT—Name of the event to be decided—should reflect on the education by the Native People of Lyle’s rich and diversified history. A salmon feast with deer, roots and berries provide by the Columbia River Chiefs.
WHEN—Friday, May 15, 2009 3PM to 6 or 8 PM
WHERE—Site to be decide upon—suggestions are the High School and the playground next to the old school on Hwy 14
Factors to consider in choosing a location are: room for 1,000 people, kitchen facilities, bathrooms, parking, room for entertainment and info booths, flexibility for inclement weather.
Committees that will be needed:
FINANCE—Event Budget
Bank Account
Fund Raising
Chief Wilbur Slockish has said he would donate $500 to the event. How do we get other donations? Oren Johnson has volunteered to do a silk screen to be used for posters, advertisements, t-shirts. The Columbia River Chiefs could autograph a t-shirt and it could be raffled at the event.
FOOD—to be donated by the tribe Will need temporary food permit ($30) and someone with a food handlers license on site all day.
Drinks, ice, paper goods, coolers, tables
ENTERTAINMENT-- Invocation and Color Guard—Klickitat Cascade People
Prayer by local church
Black Lodge Drummers
Middle School Indian Club
Native Dancers--$1,500-2,000
Oral History—Story Telling
Info Booths—Native History—Lyle Musuem
ADVERTISEMENT—Banner on Hwy 14-- possibly contact Klickitat Co. Economic Development committee and PUD for assistance.
PSA on Hood River and The Dalles radio stations
Community and school newsletters
Special Invitations
FACILITIES—Need room for 1,000 people (High School gym holds about 500)
Kitchen Facilities
Bathrooms, Ports-Potties, Hand washing Station
Info Booths
Traffic contol/Security
Permits/ Insurance
A Lyle Community Clean-Up should be scheduled prior to the event.
Can the old school be painted? Murals??
Next Meeting: Friday, Jan.23, 2009 at 10AM in basement of Methodist Church in Lyle (4th and Klickitat)
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